Sabtu, 18 Februari 2017

Saving Our Nature

Indonesia is an archipelago country. The number of islands in Indonesia according to Interior Ministry in 2004 was 17.504 islands. Five major islands in Indonesia there are Papua, Borneo, Sulawesi, Sumatra, and  Java. It has two seasons, dry and rainy season with a tropical climate.
Indonesia has a lot of forests. The biggest forest in Indonesia is Tropical rain forests. Tropical rain forests contain biological diversity of flora and fauna. This forest is only found in the tropical regions and also the largest producer oxygen  in the world. On average, one tree produces 1,2 kg oxygen. While people need 0.5 kg oxygen in a day. So, in a day, one tree supplies oxygen for 2 person.
  According to the map of the spread of tropical rain forests in Indonesia. The tropical rain forests are divided into three regions, There are : The tropical rain forest region of western, eastern and transition. The tropical rain forest region of western spread from Sumatra, Borneo, and Java. The tropical rain forest region of eastern spread in Papua from west to east. The tropical rain forest region of transition spread between Sulawesi and Maluku. Common characteristics of a tropical rain forest is dense trees, tall, and broad-leaved.
  Tropical rain forests has many benefits. Not only for the flora or fauna that live in it. The benefits of this tropical rain forests effect on many aspects, such as : education, economy, health, and so on. The benefits of the tropical rain forests is :

  1.  Maintain the balance of the ecosystem. The tropical rain forests  not only balancing ecosystems in the country that it lived. But, it serves as a counterweight to the world ecosystems. In addition, because of great climate, lots of flora and fauna that live well in it.
  2. As the water infiltration The trees there are large, the roots are enormous, so it can absorb water in large quantities. In addition, the tropical rain forests always exposed to rain,have never experienced a drought so that it is also benefical to maintain the water cycle.
  3. Preventing natural disasters. Tropical rain forests can prevent flood, because it can absorb water in significant amounts. And also can prevent lanslides, as it has strong roots to prevent landslides.
  4.  In aspects economy.The benefits of the tropical rain forests in the economy aspects is tropical rain forests a source of livehood for the people living around the forest. They can look for wood andplants to be eaten or sold. In addition,it can also be used as a tourists destionation, so it can be supplier of money for the region.
  5. In education aspect It is useful as a research site. We can get a lot of knowledge from it.
  6.  In health aspect. This tropical rain forest as a wide variety of medicines that are benefical to human life.
There are benefits provided by tropical rainforests for humans. Therefore we must still maintain its sustanability, because tropical rain forests have a vital function for our life. Unfortunately, in 2015 there was the burning of tropical rain forests in Borneo and Riau. Reports say, Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BNPD) Riau notes, as many 1.264,75 hectares of land and forest in Riau have been burned. In Borneo recored 1,4 millions hectares burned. Of course it exteremly dangerous to humans not only in Indonesia but throughout the world. Because 30% of the world oxygen supply from tropical rain forest in Borneo. This all happened because of human greed. They burned the foret to plant oil palm because it will generate a lot of money. Is this the response to the benefits that forests have given us? Forests doesn’t lose, but we are the ones who lose!. Let us remember that, the jungle doesnt, give us what we want such as a lot of money, but the forest give us what we need to survive more than we think. So let us saving our nature, don’t cutting and burning forests carelessly, use enough water, not littering, and other activities that we ccan do to saving our nature, so that our son and grandchildren can see the beauty of this nature.

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