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Jumat, 27 April 2018
Tinggal di asrama militer setidaknya membuat kami anak tentara mengerti, apa saja yang ayah kami lakukan, latihan, dan segala kegiatannya. Saya masih ingat saat 2005-2006 Ayah saya berangkat satgas (satuan tugas) ke Ambon untuk pengamanan karena waktu itu ada kerusuhan. Saya dan teman2 saya tentunya sangat sedih, walaupun kami masih kecil saat itu, kami sangat paham bahwa ayah kami akan pergi jauh, lama, dan kami tidak tau kapan ayah kami pulang. Kami ingat, saat asrama menjadi sepi, tidak ada lagi ayah yang selalu menjaga kami.
Dulu tidak seperti sekarang, tidak ada yang namanya video call. Kalau ayah tugas, sudahlah kami tidak akan pernah melihatnya sampai nanti dia pulang.
Saat kabar ayah kami akan pulang pagi hari, kami sangat semangat, menunggu di depan batalyon menyambut ayah. Kami mendengar bahwa ayah akan sampai jam 10 pagi, kami sudah menunggu di pagar batalyon dari jam 8.
Apakah tepat jam 10 ayah pulang? TIDAK! Sudah lewat dari jam 10 pun reo (truk tentara) ga sampe2.
"Ayah kita mana ya?"
"Kok ga nyampe2 ya"
Tapi kaki ini sama sekali tidak lelah. Kami tetap menunggu di depan batalyon. Kami sama sekali tidak meninggalkan pagar, kami tetap menunggu, sampai akhirnya reo datang pukul 13.00
"Ayah kita udh sampe"
Semua anak-anak berlarian. Mencari dimana ayahnya. Apakah turun dari reo Ayah langsung memeluk kami? Tidak.
Ayah harus upacara dulu. Disitu kami belajar bersabar lagi.
"Bun ayah kenapa baris lagi"
"Upacara dulu ya"
Sambil menunggu, saya mencari dimana tempat ayah berdiri, walaupun badan, baju sama, muka pula hampir sama. Saya tetap tau dimana posisi ayah. Setelah upacara selesai, saya langsung berlari menuju ayah. Saya langsung memeluk ayah melepas rindu selama satu tahun ini.
Ya, itulah singkat cerita dari satgas. Apa sudah selesai tugas ayah? Tidak.
Mungkin saat liburan, anak-anak lain dengan bebas bisa berlibur dengan ayahnya. Lalu dengan kami?
Mungkin anak tentara sudah biasa mendengar:
"Ayah jaga dulu ya sayang"
"Ayah gabisa, soalnya ada PAM"
"Cuti ayah bukan tanggal segitu"
Saat liburan panjang, misalnya lebaran, cuti tentara di bagi-bagi ada yang sebelum dan sesudah lebaran. Kami tidak pernah tau pasti ayah kami mendapat cuti kapan.
Saat orang-orang sudah menyiapkan liburannya dari jauh hari, kami tidak bisa seperti itu karena kami tidak tau kapan ayah cuti.
Saya yakin, pasti ada waktu dimana anak tentara lebih sering liburan hanya bersama ibu dan saudaranya karena ayah harus jaga.
Saat tanggal merah, tentu kami libur sekolah kan. Rasanya ingin berlibur diwaktu itu.
"Ayah besok tanggal merah, jalan2 yu"
"Ayah tugas nak"
Kadang terlintas dipikiran saya, apa cuman saya yang melihat itu merah, kenapa ayah ga lihat. Apa saya yang salah lihat?
Semua anak tentara pun pasti pernah merasakan, liburan tahun baru tanpa ayah, karena ayah harus pam tahun baru.
Sedih, pastilah.
"Kenapa ya ayah selalu jaga pas liburan, kenapa ga dirumah aja"
Disitu terletak peranan bunda, bunda menjelaskan bahwasannya itu memang tugas tentara, melindungi warga negara, melindungi orang-orang yang hendak liburan, agar liburannya aman dan membuat mereka bahagia.
Setidaknya, walaupun kami tidak bisa liburan sering sama ayah tetap ada waktu dimana kami bangga melihat ayah melaksanakan tugas.
Setidaknya, kami tetap bisa mendengar suara sepatu lars dan gemerincing sangkur yang membanggakan.
Ayah, walaupun liburan kami kadang tidak bersama ayah, kami tetap bangga. Kami mengerti ayah ini milik negara, Ayah bertugas dan mengabdi untuk negara. Ayah bertugas untuk melindungi warga negara. Walaupun ayah tidak secara langsung mengatakan sayang dan cinta pada kami. Kami dapat mendengar suara lars yang mendekati kasur kami. Kami tetap merasakan sentuhan halus dari tangan mu saat kami tidur. Kami juga tetap mendengar suara parau yang mengatakan selamat tidur anakku.
Teman-temanku, walaupun tanggal merah tidak dapat ayah lihat, setidaknya saat tanggal merah kita bisa melihat ayah berangkat tugas. Biasanya kan kita masih tidur๐
Adisha Hanifa
Bandung, 17 Februari 2018
Sabtu, 27 Mei 2017
My Mom is My Hero
Hello Guys..
Now, I want to give a compliment to someone who make me so grateful.
Actually on March and April there are so much holiday. Everyone spent the holiday with having fun, slepping all the day, or do homework.
But, I didn't spent My holiday like that. I have to practice PASKIBRA. On March 20th -23rd there are holiday, but in four days I have to attend PRA PUSAT PENDIDIKAN LATIHAN DASAR (PRAPUSDIKLATSAR).
PRAPUSDIKLATSAR begin at 5.00 a.m untuk 3.00 p.m. Maybe you think that it's so crazy,because in four days I have to practice, practice, and practice.
But, I love Paskibra, although Paskibra took My holiday, that's no problem for me, because I like to do this activity. And I hope I can make My parents, friends, and espescially SMAN 3 proud.
I think someone that very tired because My activity is My mother. I know that My Mom scared with BEGAL or anything if she went out in the predawn. But, she still drive me to practice eventough she scared and chilled. Beside that, My Mom made breakfast and help me to prepare all My needs for practice Paskibra.
On April, 10th - 12th, there are holiday due to UNBK for 12th grade.
And as always I have to practice Paskibra. But for this time the practice begin at 4.30 a.m to 1.00 p.m. Ya more earlier than PRAPUSDIK last month. Because Now is PUSDIKLATSAR.
And someone who drive me is My Mom again..
Ya as I said before that My Mom always drive me and help me to prepare all My needs for practice Paskibra.
So, I want to say thank You to My Mom because she always drive me to practice although she chilled. She made breakfast for me and help me to prepare all My needs to practice Paskibra.
And thank you Mom , because you always support My activity.Thank you Mom because you never crab altough are tired because drive me in predawn to practice Paskibra.
Thank You Mom, You are My Hero
Now, I want to give a compliment to someone who make me so grateful.
Actually on March and April there are so much holiday. Everyone spent the holiday with having fun, slepping all the day, or do homework.
But, I didn't spent My holiday like that. I have to practice PASKIBRA. On March 20th -23rd there are holiday, but in four days I have to attend PRA PUSAT PENDIDIKAN LATIHAN DASAR (PRAPUSDIKLATSAR).
PRAPUSDIKLATSAR begin at 5.00 a.m untuk 3.00 p.m. Maybe you think that it's so crazy,because in four days I have to practice, practice, and practice.
But, I love Paskibra, although Paskibra took My holiday, that's no problem for me, because I like to do this activity. And I hope I can make My parents, friends, and espescially SMAN 3 proud.
I think someone that very tired because My activity is My mother. I know that My Mom scared with BEGAL or anything if she went out in the predawn. But, she still drive me to practice eventough she scared and chilled. Beside that, My Mom made breakfast and help me to prepare all My needs for practice Paskibra.
On April, 10th - 12th, there are holiday due to UNBK for 12th grade.
And as always I have to practice Paskibra. But for this time the practice begin at 4.30 a.m to 1.00 p.m. Ya more earlier than PRAPUSDIK last month. Because Now is PUSDIKLATSAR.
And someone who drive me is My Mom again..
Ya as I said before that My Mom always drive me and help me to prepare all My needs for practice Paskibra.
So, I want to say thank You to My Mom because she always drive me to practice although she chilled. She made breakfast for me and help me to prepare all My needs to practice Paskibra.
And thank you Mom , because you always support My activity.Thank you Mom because you never crab altough are tired because drive me in predawn to practice Paskibra.
Thank You Mom, You are My Hero
Minggu, 02 April 2017
Hello guys..
Here I wanna to tell you about Dewa Athena mostly called Dewath. Dewa Athena is an event in SMAN 3 Bandung. This event same as PORAK in other school. But, SMAN 3 Bandung hold Dewath on March, different from other school that hold PORAK on December.
So, there are some competition in Dewa Athena, such as : Dodgeball, Futsal, Volleyball, Badminton, Basketball, Tug of War, Gobak Sodor, and relay race.
All class must join all the competition. I join Futsal, volleyball, and Tug of War. Before, I tell you about my story in Dewath, I’m gonna to tell you about the time of Dewath. So, When Dewath is begin?. For 10th grade, It’s hold on March 25th 2017, April 1st and 8th 2017.
On Saturday, March 25th 2017. The schedules are Relay Race for Adham, Nanette, Azzam, and Karina, Volleyball, Men Basketball, Men and Women Futsal, Women Badminton, and Tug of War.
As i said before that I join Futsal, Volleyball, and Tug of War. Futsal begin at 09.35 a.m. Because lazy and tiredto go to school. So I went to school at 08.30 a.m . My Friends went to school at 07.00 a.m , especially Adham, Nanet, Azzam, and Karina because they join estafet competition that begin at 07.35 a.m . Actually, we have to join Dewath, because it is include present of exercise lesson.
Well, back to my story, after I arrived at Bali ground. I never do warm up for Futsal, But I Practice volleyball with Adil, Alfari,Arjun, and Clarisha. I don’t know why, but we were very ambisius in volleyball.
Then at 09.35 a.m we play futsal, we fight X MIPA 5 and we won the game 5-0 Alhamdulillah.. These are my picture when I play futsal.
Something happened when I kicked the ball , it hit Mia’s cheek and it made me scared. Fortunately, nothing happened to Mia.
After that we played Tug of War. For the first competition we won, but in the second competition we lose. But, No problem. Lose is common.๐ค
Then, I played volleyball. My class fight X MIPA 9. Altough our team is very bad, we can won this game. And I’m happy because I can serve the ball, and we can won this game.๐๐๐
Will be continued.
If you want to know, how about X MIPA 7's Volleyball team?
Wait for the Next story๐
Here I wanna to tell you about Dewa Athena mostly called Dewath. Dewa Athena is an event in SMAN 3 Bandung. This event same as PORAK in other school. But, SMAN 3 Bandung hold Dewath on March, different from other school that hold PORAK on December.
So, there are some competition in Dewa Athena, such as : Dodgeball, Futsal, Volleyball, Badminton, Basketball, Tug of War, Gobak Sodor, and relay race.
All class must join all the competition. I join Futsal, volleyball, and Tug of War. Before, I tell you about my story in Dewath, I’m gonna to tell you about the time of Dewath. So, When Dewath is begin?. For 10th grade, It’s hold on March 25th 2017, April 1st and 8th 2017.
On Saturday, March 25th 2017. The schedules are Relay Race for Adham, Nanette, Azzam, and Karina, Volleyball, Men Basketball, Men and Women Futsal, Women Badminton, and Tug of War.
As i said before that I join Futsal, Volleyball, and Tug of War. Futsal begin at 09.35 a.m. Because lazy and tiredto go to school. So I went to school at 08.30 a.m . My Friends went to school at 07.00 a.m , especially Adham, Nanet, Azzam, and Karina because they join estafet competition that begin at 07.35 a.m . Actually, we have to join Dewath, because it is include present of exercise lesson.
Well, back to my story, after I arrived at Bali ground. I never do warm up for Futsal, But I Practice volleyball with Adil, Alfari,Arjun, and Clarisha. I don’t know why, but we were very ambisius in volleyball.
Then at 09.35 a.m we play futsal, we fight X MIPA 5 and we won the game 5-0 Alhamdulillah.. These are my picture when I play futsal.
Something happened when I kicked the ball , it hit Mia’s cheek and it made me scared. Fortunately, nothing happened to Mia.
After that we played Tug of War. For the first competition we won, but in the second competition we lose. But, No problem. Lose is common.๐ค
Then, I played volleyball. My class fight X MIPA 9. Altough our team is very bad, we can won this game. And I’m happy because I can serve the ball, and we can won this game.๐๐๐
Will be continued.
If you want to know, how about X MIPA 7's Volleyball team?
Wait for the Next story๐
Hello Guys..
Here I wanna share crossword. I made it with Haniah. Hopefully It gives benefits for you all..๐
1. Java man fossil.
3. Keyboard order.
4. Communication.
5. Nothing.
6. Large.
7. You … that he is ugly.
9. Two languages.
12. The champion.
14. Enter.
15. Dark.
17. From top to …
19. Break up and move earth with a tool or machine, or with hands, paws, snout, etc.
20. Very small circle.
2. Clothes.
5. Black and white on the road.
8. Perhaps.
9. Black and yellow thing that is poisonous.
10. Enjoyment.
11. We believe in …
12. A red, swollen mark left on flesh by a blow or pressure.
13. Circle.
16. Something sweet and thick that usually spread on bread.
17. Seduce.
18. You … your cat everyday.
20. Barking.
21. The outer part of the female genitals.
Enjoy play crossword๐
Good bye
Here I wanna share crossword. I made it with Haniah. Hopefully It gives benefits for you all..๐
1. Java man fossil.
3. Keyboard order.
4. Communication.
5. Nothing.
6. Large.
7. You … that he is ugly.
9. Two languages.
12. The champion.
14. Enter.
15. Dark.
17. From top to …
19. Break up and move earth with a tool or machine, or with hands, paws, snout, etc.
20. Very small circle.
2. Clothes.
5. Black and white on the road.
8. Perhaps.
9. Black and yellow thing that is poisonous.
10. Enjoyment.
11. We believe in …
12. A red, swollen mark left on flesh by a blow or pressure.
13. Circle.
16. Something sweet and thick that usually spread on bread.
17. Seduce.
18. You … your cat everyday.
20. Barking.
21. The outer part of the female genitals.
Enjoy play crossword๐
Good bye
Sabtu, 18 Februari 2017
Saving Our Nature
Indonesia is an archipelago country. The number of islands in Indonesia according to Interior Ministry in 2004 was 17.504 islands. Five major islands in Indonesia there are Papua, Borneo, Sulawesi, Sumatra, and Java. It has two seasons, dry and rainy season with a tropical climate.
Indonesia has a lot of forests. The biggest forest in Indonesia is Tropical rain forests. Tropical rain forests contain biological diversity of flora and fauna. This forest is only found in the tropical regions and also the largest producer oxygen in the world. On average, one tree produces 1,2 kg oxygen. While people need 0.5 kg oxygen in a day. So, in a day, one tree supplies oxygen for 2 person.
According to the map of the spread of tropical rain forests in Indonesia. The tropical rain forests are divided into three regions, There are : The tropical rain forest region of western, eastern and transition. The tropical rain forest region of western spread from Sumatra, Borneo, and Java. The tropical rain forest region of eastern spread in Papua from west to east. The tropical rain forest region of transition spread between Sulawesi and Maluku. Common characteristics of a tropical rain forest is dense trees, tall, and broad-leaved.
Tropical rain forests has many benefits. Not only for the flora or fauna that live in it. The benefits of this tropical rain forests effect on many aspects, such as : education, economy, health, and so on. The benefits of the tropical rain forests is :
- Maintain the balance of the ecosystem. The tropical rain forests not only balancing ecosystems in the country that it lived. But, it serves as a counterweight to the world ecosystems. In addition, because of great climate, lots of flora and fauna that live well in it.
- As the water infiltration The trees there are large, the roots are enormous, so it can absorb water in large quantities. In addition, the tropical rain forests always exposed to rain,have never experienced a drought so that it is also benefical to maintain the water cycle.
- Preventing natural disasters. Tropical rain forests can prevent flood, because it can absorb water in significant amounts. And also can prevent lanslides, as it has strong roots to prevent landslides.
- In aspects economy.The benefits of the tropical rain forests in the economy aspects is tropical rain forests a source of livehood for the people living around the forest. They can look for wood andplants to be eaten or sold. In addition,it can also be used as a tourists destionation, so it can be supplier of money for the region.
- In education aspect It is useful as a research site. We can get a lot of knowledge from it.
- In health aspect. This tropical rain forest as a wide variety of medicines that are benefical to human life.
Source :
Minggu, 08 Januari 2017
My Holiday
My Holiday
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I wanna tell you about my last holiday. Actually this is bored holiday.
On December,23th 2016 I went to Tanjung Lesung with My Family and My Uncle's Family. I thought that Tanjung Lesung near from Pandeglang, evidently it's very farrrrr from Pandeglang. It tooks 11 hours from Bandung to Tanjung Lesung. I went from Bandung at 2.30 AM and arrived on Tanjung Lesung at 1.30 AM.
Ohhhhh i very tired ); and there's no signal :v.
No Problem if it tooks a long time to go to Tanjung Lesung but i need signal );
On the next day I went to Tanjung Lesung Beach, I guess that Tanjung Lesung beach is very beautiful. But, it was too bad. I shocked when i saw the scenery its made me dissapointed )';.
I took a picture with my cousin, it was good but my veil was bad );, well as I said before that it's a bored holiday.
Thenn I went to home on December, 25th 2016. But, before i go home, i went to my Grandma's house to take a rest. Actually I wanna buy "Bakmi" bcz Bakmi in Jakarta is very delicious hehe :v.
I went to home at 11.00 PM and arrived at 1.00 AM.
After that, I spent my holiday with sleep hehe..
My Dad was Angry bcause I slept all the time. and I said to mey Dad " Daddy.. it's the time for me to go bed, after i studied at SMAN 3 I didn't have time to slept"
Then My Dad scream to me " How you can catch your dream! if you doesn't work hard for it!"
I am speechless. And I thought Yaaa this is the time for me to change my life.
My Dad said " You can be a smat children if you study, but you can't get the best character with study"
I just realized that yaa character is number 1 and we can't get the best character with study, because we have to practice it day by day.
The Next day, i got up early in the morning, I swept and swab the floor and do everything that i can do to make My Parents happy. Then I studied English and French.
Yaa That's My Holiday. I'm sorry if i got a mistake on grammar or anything wkwk.
Oh ya! Happy New year :))))))
Resolution in this year : I hope I can slim hehe , I will exercise to prepare my test in 2019, and I hope I can studied at AAL or AIM Aaamiin..
Well.. Thank you.. Bye :)
Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016
Hello Everyone!
Here, I will tell you about Nelson Mandela who is known as
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (18 July 1918 – 5 December 2013) was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician, and philanthropist, who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was the country's first black head of state and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election. His government focused on dismantling the legacy ofapartheid by tackling institutionalised racism and fostering racial reconciliation. Ideologically an African nationalist and democratic socialist, he served as President of the African National Congress (ANC) party from 1991 to 1997.
A Xhosa, Mandela was born in Mvezo to the Thembu royal family. He studied law at the University of Fort Hare and the University of the Witwatersrand before working as a lawyer in Johannesburg. There he became involved in anti-colonial and African nationalist politics, joining the ANC and co-founding its Youth League. After the Afrikaner minority government of the National Party established apartheid—a system of racial segregation that privileged white, he was appointed President of the ANC's Transvaal branch, rising to prominence for his involvement in the 1952 anti-apartheid Defiance Campaign and the 1955 Congress of the People. He was repeatedly arrested for seditious activities and was one of the activists unsuccessfully prosecuted in the 1956 Treason Trial. Influenced by Marxism, he secretly joined the South African Communist Party (SACP). Although initially committed to non-violent protest, in association with the SACP he co-founded the militant Umkhonto we Sizwe in 1961 and lead a sabotage campaign against the government. In 1962, he was arrested for conspiring to overthrow the state, and sentenced to life imprisonment in the Rivonia Trial.
Mandela served 27 years in prison, initially on Robben Island, and later in Pollsmoor Prison and Victor Verster Prison. Amid international pressure and growing fear of a racial civil war, President F. W. de Klerk released him in 1990. Mandela and de Klerk negotiated an end to apartheid and organised the 1994 multiracial general election in which Mandela led the ANC to victory and became President. Leading a broad coalition government which promulgated a new constitution, Mandela emphasised reconciliation between the country's racial groups and created the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate past human rights abuses. While retaining the former government's economic liberalism, his administration introduced measures to encourage land reform, combat poverty, and expand healthcare services. Internationally, he acted as mediator in the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing trial and served as Secretary-General of the Non-Aligned Movement from 1998 to 1999. He declined a second presidential term and in 1999 was succeeded by his deputy, Thabo Mbeki. Mandela became an elder statesman and focused on charitable work, combating poverty and HIV/AIDS through the Nelson Mandela Foundation.
Mandela was a controversial figure for much of his life. Although critics on the right denounced him as a communist terrorist and those on the radical left deemed him too eager to negotiate and reconcile with apartheid's supporters, he gained international acclaim for his activism. He received more than 250 honours, including the Nobel Peace Prize, the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Soviet Lenin Peace Prize. He is held in deep respect within South Africa, where he is often referred to by hisXhosa clan name, Madiba, or as Tata ("Father"), and described as the "Father of the Nation".
He attended primary school in Qunu where his teacher, Miss Mdingane, gave him the name Nelson, in accordance with the custom of giving all schoolchildren “Christian” names.
He completed his Junior Certificate at Clarkebury Boarding Institute and went on to Healdtown, a Wesleyan secondary school of some repute, where he matriculated.
He attended primary school in Qunu where his teacher, Miss Mdingane, gave him the name Nelson, in accordance with the custom of giving all schoolchildren “Christian” names.
He completed his Junior Certificate at Clarkebury Boarding Institute and went on to Healdtown, a Wesleyan secondary school of some repute, where he matriculated.
Mandela began his studies for a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University College of Fort Hare but did not complete the degree there as he was expelled for joining in a student protest.
On his return to the Great Place at Mqhekezweni the King was furious and said if he didn’t return to Fort Hare he would arrange wives for him and his cousin Justice. They ran away to Johannesburg instead, arriving there in 1941. There he worked as a mine security officer and after meeting Walter Sisulu, an estate agent, he was introduced to Lazer Sidelsky. He then did his articles through a firm of attorneys – Witkin, Eidelman and Sidelsky. He completed his BA through the University of South Africa and went back to Fort Hare for his graduation in 1943.
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Nelson Mandela (top row, second from left) on the steps of Wits University. © Wits University Archives |
Meanwhile, he began studying for an LLB at the University of the Witwatersrand. By his own admission he was a poor student and left the university in 1952 without graduating. He only started studying again through the University of London after his imprisonment in 1962 but also did not complete that degree.
In 1989, while in the last months of his imprisonment, he obtained an LLB through the University of South Africa. He graduated in absentia at a ceremony in Cape Town.
"A friend once asked me how I could reconcile my creed of African nationalism with a belief in dialectical materialism. For me, there was no contradiction. I was first and foremost an African nationalist fighting for our emancipation from minority rule and the right to control our own destiny. But at the same time, South Africa and the African continent were part of the larger world. Our problems, while distinctive and special, were not unique, and a philosophy that placed those problems in an international and historical context of the greater world and the course of history was valuable. I was prepared to use whatever means necessary to speed up the erasure of human prejudice and the end of chauvinistic and violent nationalism."
— Nelson Mandela, 1994
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