My Holiday
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I wanna tell you about my last holiday. Actually this is bored holiday.
On December,23th 2016 I went to Tanjung Lesung with My Family and My Uncle's Family. I thought that Tanjung Lesung near from Pandeglang, evidently it's very farrrrr from Pandeglang. It tooks 11 hours from Bandung to Tanjung Lesung. I went from Bandung at 2.30 AM and arrived on Tanjung Lesung at 1.30 AM.
Ohhhhh i very tired ); and there's no signal :v.
No Problem if it tooks a long time to go to Tanjung Lesung but i need signal );
On the next day I went to Tanjung Lesung Beach, I guess that Tanjung Lesung beach is very beautiful. But, it was too bad. I shocked when i saw the scenery its made me dissapointed )';.
I took a picture with my cousin, it was good but my veil was bad );, well as I said before that it's a bored holiday.
Thenn I went to home on December, 25th 2016. But, before i go home, i went to my Grandma's house to take a rest. Actually I wanna buy "Bakmi" bcz Bakmi in Jakarta is very delicious hehe :v.
I went to home at 11.00 PM and arrived at 1.00 AM.
After that, I spent my holiday with sleep hehe..
My Dad was Angry bcause I slept all the time. and I said to mey Dad " Daddy.. it's the time for me to go bed, after i studied at SMAN 3 I didn't have time to slept"
Then My Dad scream to me " How you can catch your dream! if you doesn't work hard for it!"
I am speechless. And I thought Yaaa this is the time for me to change my life.
My Dad said " You can be a smat children if you study, but you can't get the best character with study"
I just realized that yaa character is number 1 and we can't get the best character with study, because we have to practice it day by day.
The Next day, i got up early in the morning, I swept and swab the floor and do everything that i can do to make My Parents happy. Then I studied English and French.
Yaa That's My Holiday. I'm sorry if i got a mistake on grammar or anything wkwk.
Oh ya! Happy New year :))))))
Resolution in this year : I hope I can slim hehe , I will exercise to prepare my test in 2019, and I hope I can studied at AAL or AIM Aaamiin..
Well.. Thank you.. Bye :)